Saint John A.M.E. Church Memphis is a member of the West Tennessee Annual Conference of the 13th Episcopal District of the A.M.E. church. Our Presiding Prelate is Bishop Anne Henning Byfield, the 135th elected and consecrated Bishop of the A.M.E. Church.
Saint John is located in the North Memphis District of the West Tennessee Annual Conference.
Our Presiding Elder is Reverend Colleen Gibson.
Rev. Joy W. Yancy
Rev. Joy W. Yancy is a native of Roxboro, North Carolina, and a resident of Memphis, Tennessee since 1998. She accepted her call to preach in 2007 and is an ordained Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. She is a graduate of Person Senior High School in Roxboro, North Carolina. She earned her B.S. in accounting, summa cum laude, from N.C. A&T State University and an MBA from The University of Michigan. Rev. Joy has a M.Div (cum laude) and M.A.R. (summa cum laude) from Memphis Theological Seminary.
Rev. Joy, a scrupulous note-taker with an ear for excellence, started an email ministry by providing synopses of others’ work. After a journey with depression, her email ministry served as the launch pad for her career as an author. Challenged to be transparent, she shared her testimony from depression to deliverance. She now uses her thought-provoking devotions and social media broadcast to encourage others to move forward and do what God is calling them to do. You can find more information on her work as an author at www.joywyancy.com.
The Right Reverend Jeffrey Nathaniel Leath, the 128th elected and consecrated Bishop of the A.M.E. Church appointed Rev. Joy L. Wilkerson (maiden name) to Mt. Herman AME Church in Millington, Tennessee on October 22, 2017. She previously served as an associate minister at Saint Andrew AME Church. She was appointed to St. John AME Church in Memphis, TN on October 9, 2022, by Bishop E. Anne Henning Byfield.
Rev. Joy lives by Philippians 4:6 and truly believes in presenting everything to God with praise and thanksgiving. She has been published in The A.M.E. Church Review, the digital version of the Secret Chamber and The Christian Recorder. Joy is employed as a data consultant with a major third-party administrator (TPA). She is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Rev. Joy is married to Rev. David Yancy, II, Pastor of Mt. Zion AMEC.
Rev. Ivy Hudson Courtez Rev. Bobby Hankins
Albert Boyce, Jr.
Lacretia Brandon
Yvonne Farris
Carolyn Jackson
​Mary Bonner Morris
Carolyn Perkins
Carolyn Stickland
Carrie Wellington
Albert Boyce, Jr.
Brenda Hollowell
Debra Lofties
Mary Bonner Morris
Carolyn Perkins